18 October 2010

Stop staring at me honey!

2.30 A.M

She was awake.
Waiting for me as she had always waited in the past few days. 
She just sat there.
She felt cold or maybe I thought she felt cold. 
I switched off the A/C.
I went and sat next to her.
And I looked at her transfixed.
Just like the first time I looked at her.
It was just me and her that night...

And I kept looking at her not taking my eyes off her even for a second.
She looked angelic in a Persian blue attire. Her cheeks kept turning red as often as the number of times I wake up after 11 on a holiday - Always. 
She was slightly short, but she made up for it with her tall never-panicking aura of calmness that she always had with her. Although like the typical cynical lover, I tried to find something wrong with her, I just never could. She was practically perfect in all possible ways. 
And I kept looking at her, with nothing big in return, but just a slight nod of the head. Or the subtlest of signs in activity from her shiny smooth skinned body. (probably had it 'moisturized')
Sadly, she kept turning away though.
Ah she was such a 'fighter'!

I slowly moved my finger close to her.
She responded as my shadow fell on her. 
I didn't mean to scare her and I retracted my arm. 
She slowly turned towards me.
I saw her right in the eye now, through her 'contact glasses'. 
Eyes that said so much. 
She 'glared' at me. 
And she was sexy.

I knew she can never get angry at me. :-)
For she was not just any woman.
As a signal of concordance, she kind of 'floated' in the same place and she never moved away.
She shined brightly under the moonlight through the window.
Now it was her turn to stare at me.
And everything was calm again.

Say hello to Nemo The Third. 
Why third?
Well Nemo the first is Nemo from the movie, and we named a friend's girlfriend Nemo the second.
And All Nemos had their reasons. 

Nemo and her nemesis, Creative the speakerShe runs around scared whenever Metallica is on.
I run around scared whenever i clean her fish bowl (rarely when Viswa is not around to be bribed) . 
I just hope someday she is not gonna jump out shouting "FREEDOM!" :-(


Gautham said...

She runs around scared whenever Metallica is on.

Maasss Boss
Loved it.

2much2ask said...

Nemo is beautiful :)
nice blog =)

Sai said...

I agree with Ani :)
Nice blog indeed :)

VICHU said...

@Gapo : Thanks machi. Nemo appreciates being appreaciated.

@Ani : ofcourse she is :)
@Sai : Dai he meant the fish.