30 June 2009

And I are back!

2 months 25 days 23 hours 6 minutes and 59 seconds since i last blogged. For everyone who knew me well, I dint do the math of course. I hate the subject and its teachers for quite a long time now. So this did the job. I m not sure to what else the site can do. Still figuring out.

Anyways, for my followers and ahem 'fans' (no exaggeration here :D), these no-post-days were actually an extended-break that i started for my sem exams. Not that i was into some serious exam preparation or anything, but this is generally how people convince themsleves, tat they are preparing for such stuff - by sacrificing. Parents see to it that the mobile and cable connections are gone while their kids do 12th grade, as their 'sacrifice' and many people live anti-orkut lives during examinations. And tats exactly the same protoytpe, as to how my Pensieve got the axe. Can't say it helps, but hey i passed! even in SS! :)

Well, tat was then and it went good. And then followed my holidays which was even better! Playing fifa, (still) trying to read LOTR and watching Dexter/Hustle all day with late night movies, occasional family parties and lots of phone calls and traveling to top it up. Went like a dream, i might say. So why am i back here?
why give myself the trouble of thinking something to blog about or trying to better my never-improving English?
why rather than playing fifa, try and do long lines of boring text?
Cos this is one of the few things i do 'very non-lazily' and pursue this vice is what i must do.
Cheers everyone. :)