Happy Birthday!
1.Movies can't wait any longer. (w/help from Utorrent and mininova ofcourse!)
2.Errands to run for Dad.
3.Asking f(r)iends if they have studied anything.. Ah! the pleasure of knowing they haven't.
4.Friends Friends Birthday parties.
6.Sleeping wide mouthed till 10 in the morning.
7.Visiting the kitchen as many times as possible.. How many times do u drink Water??
8.Kadalais big time!
9.Television has never been this better.. Jodi No.1, Kalaka P.Yaaru, Rose Akka, KKK..
10.Deciding "I will surely start studying when the clock reaches the nearest whole number.."
11.Gaming. Fifa Fifa Fifa!!
13. Slumber,Siesta, Rest,Sleep,day dreaming..
14.Combined studies.. Just to make sure others don't study as well ;)
15.FM. (Hellloww this is 99.99 FM.. Neenga ketukitu irukurathu Radio Mixie.. )
16.Forward messages.. Most of em ending "ippadiku exam ku padikathor sangam, padichu padichu thalaya pichukira sangam,"
17.4-5 cups/goblets of T's n coffees.
18.The other side - Meetings, miss yous ;)
19.Doubts.. Wait,i meant on which subject, exam date, etc.. :)
20.Youtube videos.
21.Cell phone meddling,repairing,photoing,ringtone searching.
22.Staying awake late night and still end up doing nothing.
23.Conference call stories!
24.Orkut - Most Imp. anti-boooring activity
25.Vetti blogs like this ;)
11 AM
1.Juggernauts - X+50
2.A.Aves - X+20
3.Zephyrians -X
4.M.Merlions - 0 :(
1 PM
1.Juggernauts - Y+100
2.A.Aves - Y+25
3.Zephyrians - Y
4.M.Merlions - Y-5
1.Juggernauts - Z+80
A.Aves Zephyrians - Z , Z+10
4.M.Merlions. - Z-25
1.Juggernauts - L+140
2.A.Aves - L+115
3.Zephryians - L+60
4.M.Merlions. - L ;(
W.r.t, the recent ignominy at the department, we were supposed to prove ourselves and we couldn't have done it any worse. A skit not even worth mentioning, A dance that made even a zealous crowd boo(made a fool of myself :( ) and A variety event that ended in a contoversy thanks to a battery-low laptop and
There were a few (in R.Raja's words) "sitting moments of success" - the Ad-zap coup, the singing event and some awe-struck dancing by the 'other side' - Ms.Esp. :) The 11 hr fest was a rarity taking place and was a wonder to watch. The theme was to gel the inmates of the d'ment together. Errr.. Things only got worse for us i guess.
A bad day for the Merlions.
A better day for III-B :)
Been leading a nomadic life for the past few days..
From the Frosty Breeze of the Nilgris,
To the Upbeat streets of Coimbatore,
Under the Scorching MADurai sun,
Thro the Zesty Zephyrous Courtallam,
Till the Voguish Singara Chennai..
Twas One heck of a week! :)